About Me
I’m a 30 something based in London, and I LOVE to travel. The planes, the trains, the stepping into new places, the food, the where and what next…
When Covid-19 pandemic began in 2020, travel came to an abrupt stop. Like many others, I spent a lot of time reminiscing about where I’d been and about the places I wanted to add to my ‘travel count’. I found myself planning away, despite most of my traveling taking place between my bedroom and the kitchen table…
I realised that I wanted to share my experiences and plans beyond the occasional travel tips I’d shared with friends (and got far too carried away with!). I setup my Instagram, but soon found that I needed a bigger platform for what I wanted to share.
So here it is! It will be a place to share where I’ve been and where I’m going, my travel tips, my experiences, and more. In a time where there isn’t a lot of travel in the present, I hope I can bring you some memories, ideas for the future, helpful information, or just a little happy.
The Travel Count
Acknowledgements: The inevitable spelling and grammar errors on this website could not be achieved with my dear friend Dyslexia. Thanks a bunch!